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It's been a pet peeve of mine for a long time now that I've not been able to find a house...    
Ann Kelly
Our home stands transformed after the gentle care and effort that Catford Cleaning put in....    
Damien S.
With all of the different cleaning services out there, it can be tough to find the one which...    
Ashley M.
I want to thank Catford-Cleaners for everything they did for me. I was in a bad position,...    
Bradley K.
It may sound strange but they actually feel like a part of the family now! Catford-Cleaners...    
I was put off professional cleaners in the past because I always thought that they'd cost too...    
Andrew T.
I've always wanted to try a cleaner out to see what the big fuss was about. I decided on...    
Jade Watson
Leaving a dirty kitchen behind when I go to work and then coming home to all the mess in the...    
Callum M.
I have always loved collecting things and so my home is adorned with various antiques, from...    
Lillian Cooper
I love cleaning around the house and sometimes I just don't have time, so whenever I am...    
Dawn N.


How To Get Your Bedroom Looking Perfect
13Aug 2014
How To Get Your Bedroom Looking PerfectCleaning  your bedroom is a big part of ensuring that your life is not a messy one, and it is important that you are doing so in a way that does not get in the way of your day to day. If you ever feel like you are likely to resent the process, then it is less likely that you will do it often, which can be a problem. Bedroom cleaning is not a rare and intensive job like carpet cleaning, but an essential part of the whole house cleaning process, and you need to have a set way of doing things to ensure that it does not get too dirty! If your bedroom does become really bad, then the effort required to clean it properly is going to be a lot more, and this can put you off getting round to it in the first place! Have a look over the following tips and tricks as to how you can get your bedroom cleaned easily and efficiently! For a start, it is essential that you are getting rid of all clutter every day. Having a cup of tea in bed is a lovely thing to do, but if it means that your room it littered with mugs then it can be an issue. Make a point of removing things form your room once you are done with them, and prevent items from other parts of the house from building up in there. You will find that you can gain a lot from simply being sensible with the tidiness of the room, as the less cluttered and messy a room looks, the easier it is to clean, as well as being more pleasant on the eyes. You will find that having a place for everything is a big part of this, and you will be able to get a lot more done, and feel more relaxed if there is no mess, or clothing lying everywhere. A great start to the cleaning process is to make the bed, and put all of your clothes away, as this is a big part of the mess that can come with living in such a personal space. Once all is tidied away properly, then you will be free to get to the actual cleaning. Dust from the top of the room downwards, to ensure that you are not at risk of covering everything in dust when you have just cleaned it! Use a feather duster on a long handle, to ensure that you can get rid of all dust that is in the higher parts of the room, and ensure that you then get rid of it as it settles on different surface throughout the room. Use a dusting cloth, and ensure that you have a bin bag in the room to deposit dust in if it is particularly thick. At this point you can polish up all surfaces and mirrors that require it, before vacuuming the floor. If you have a wooden floor, then it is essential that you vacuum before you mop it, as this will get rid of any dirt that could potentially scratch it, which would be a nightmare! When it comes to properly cleaning your bedroom, you will find that professional cleaning can be extremely useful.  Upholstery cleaning is something that can really change the look of a bedroom, so if you have an armchair in there then you may find it well worthwhile. Mattress cleaners will be an extremely useful service as well, in terms of deep cleaning the bedroom.

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