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It's been a pet peeve of mine for a long time now that I've not been able to find a house...    
Ann Kelly
Our home stands transformed after the gentle care and effort that Catford Cleaning put in....    
Damien S.
With all of the different cleaning services out there, it can be tough to find the one which...    
Ashley M.
I want to thank Catford-Cleaners for everything they did for me. I was in a bad position,...    
Bradley K.
It may sound strange but they actually feel like a part of the family now! Catford-Cleaners...    
I was put off professional cleaners in the past because I always thought that they'd cost too...    
Andrew T.
I've always wanted to try a cleaner out to see what the big fuss was about. I decided on...    
Jade Watson
Leaving a dirty kitchen behind when I go to work and then coming home to all the mess in the...    
Callum M.
I have always loved collecting things and so my home is adorned with various antiques, from...    
Lillian Cooper
I love cleaning around the house and sometimes I just don't have time, so whenever I am...    
Dawn N.


Keeping Your Office Tidy
04Jul 2014
Keeping Your Office TidyDo you find it difficult to keep your office tidy? Do you struggle to find the time for the thorough and proper cleaning that your office deserves? Do you want some useful and helpful tips that can help you with your office upkeep? Your office needs to be a tidy place, but if you use these ideas in your everyday life then you’ll find that your office is much easier to maintain! Here are just a few ideas that can help you!1)    Ensure you have the proper space.It’s essential that you make sure you have the proper space in your office. Maybe your business has expanded or perhaps you just have more items than you used to! As your business grows, so must your storage units – without proper storage your office will soon become cluttered, messy and unpleasant to work in! If you’re short on floor space then try installing free-floating shelves to add a little more room, or try replacing your existing furniture and equipment with more storage-friendly options. Smaller desks, or desks with more storage space are ideal for your office, especially if you’re short on room, so if your budget allows then have a look to see what you can find!2)    Hiring extra storage space.If your office is too cramped or small for your needs then you might want to consider hiring an extra storage space. Storage facilities can be rented easily and affordably, and they can be a great solution for you if you need a little extra room for your business! If you need a place to store old filing cabinets, unwanted office equipment or office furniture without getting rid of it then a storage unit could be the answer that you’re looking for. Ask around for recommendations and to find a reliable local storage company that’s going to be close enough to your office and still affordable for your business!3)    Reorganising your office.An organised office is just what your business needs to run efficiently and smoothly, and you should regularly keep on top of organising yours to keep both you and your employees happy! Invest in the right storage units, shelving and cabinets to make the most of the space that you have. Make sure that everything has its own place so that items are never left around and you’ll never find yourself losing track of items that you need ever again!4)    Tidying as you work.Adopt a tidy-as-you-go policy in your office to stop clutter from accumulating. Whenever you remove an items from its home make sure you replace it, get rid of rubbish as soon as it appears and clean up any messes or spillages right away. Keeping on top of your cleaning is essential for a pleasant work environment, and cleaning and tidying as you go about your business is a great way to stop clutter and mess from building up!5)    Hiring professional help.If you really are struggling to find the time or energy to keep your office in shape then you might want to consider hiring professional help. There are lots of professional cleaners and cleaning companies who specialise in office cleaning, and they could provide the answer that you’re looking for! Ask around for recommendations so that you can find the reputable company that your office deserves!

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