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It's been a pet peeve of mine for a long time now that I've not been able to find a house...    
Ann Kelly
Our home stands transformed after the gentle care and effort that Catford Cleaning put in....    
Damien S.
With all of the different cleaning services out there, it can be tough to find the one which...    
Ashley M.
I want to thank Catford-Cleaners for everything they did for me. I was in a bad position,...    
Bradley K.
It may sound strange but they actually feel like a part of the family now! Catford-Cleaners...    
I was put off professional cleaners in the past because I always thought that they'd cost too...    
Andrew T.
I've always wanted to try a cleaner out to see what the big fuss was about. I decided on...    
Jade Watson
Leaving a dirty kitchen behind when I go to work and then coming home to all the mess in the...    
Callum M.
I have always loved collecting things and so my home is adorned with various antiques, from...    
Lillian Cooper
I love cleaning around the house and sometimes I just don't have time, so whenever I am...    
Dawn N.


Kitchen Appliance Cleaning
11Apr 2014
Kitchen Appliance CleaningWhen it comes to cleaning the kitchen, everyone gives the room a wipe down after cooking, and ensures that the washing up is sorted, so that the place looks nice. However, there is a hidden layer of cleaning in the kitchen that very few people do as regularly, simply because it is a lot more effort and work, and given that you can’t see it, it is less of a bother. This layer of cleaning refers to the appliances in your kitchen, the fridge, the oven and the microwave. If you have other appliances, then they are probably more regularly used a cleaned, like blenders, juicers and so on. However, the holy trinity of kitchen machinery are not so regularly cleaned as perhaps they should be, as you will find that cleaning these items will ensure that you are less likely to get smells developing in the kitchen, as well as ensuring that the machinery works a fair bit better, and is less likely to break due to build up of muck in the long run.The oven is the toughest item in the kitchen to clean by a long way. You need to remember that the chemicals in the cleaning fluid that you can buy for oven cleaning are very strong, so it is essential that you wear gloves as well as rough clothes, as there may be a bit of splatter from the scrubbing. Start by removing the racks and soaking them in the cleaner, in the sink. Take a barbecue scraper to the inside of the oven, and carefully remove as much burnt on grease as possible, as this will ensure that the cleaning fluid is working on dirt that it can get through, rather than just sitting on top of large chunks of burnt on grease. You should leave the foam cleaner to do its job once you have applied it. Covering the whole of the inside of the oven will ensure that the whole of the oven is accessed by the foam, but it needs a good ten to twenty minutes of bubbling away for the chemicals within to really get to loosening up the dirt. Once this time is up, get involved with a brush, preferably one with a long handle, so that you can reach the back of the oven without putting your head in! You should be able to get rid of most of the dirt like this, but if not, then reapply the cleaner, and get to scrubbing it out again! Wipe down with water after, to ensure that no residue is left over.Cleaning the fridge is basically the same process but on a smaller scale - you will only need to wipe the interior down with a flannel and some washing up liquid, and wash the glass shelves in the sink like plates! When it comes to cleaning the microwave, there is a neat little trick that you may be able to utilize yourself. Cut a lemon in half, and squeeze the juice in to a bowl. Top up the bowl with water a little, and place the bowl in the microwave. Heat the combination on high for about three minutes, and when you have taken the bowl out wipe down the inside of the unit. The lemon juice should have evaporated and degreased the inside of the microwave, making it a lot easier to wipe clean!  If you find that it is still a bit grubby, then try microwaving it for longer, so that the water evaporates a bit more...

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